Get the Complete Lab Recommendations

Guide for PCOS

Learn Which Labs to Ask for Based on YOUR Symptoms 

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Are you frustrated by PCOS symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, missing periods, and always feeling hungry and craving sweets?

This comprehensive lab guide will show you which labs to request from your doctor based on your symptoms so that you have better insight into what you can do to start treating them.


What's Included in this Guide?

You can find free lab guides for PCOS all over the internet but they simply provide a generic list for labs that may or may not relate to your symptoms.

In this guide you’ll find suggestions for:

  • Labs for investigating fatigue
  • Labs for investigating hair loss
  • Labs for investigating a missing cycle
  • Labs for ruling out nutrient deficiencies
  • Labs for thyroid health
  • Labs that should be monitored annually for anyone with PCOS

Since there are no standard medical recommendations for checking and monitoring labs with PCOS, it's up to each individual provider to determine which labs are appropriate to check and monitor with PCOS.

This unfortunately leads to many declined lab requests for PCOS patients. This lab guide walks you through how to prepare for your doctor's appointment and have your requests taken seriously so you can start treating your symptoms.


Does the Lab Guide Cover Insulin Resistance?  

Yes! You may have heard that insulin resistance is the primary driver of symptoms and health complications for over 70% of people with PCOS.

If you’re feeling confused about whether you have insulin resistance, or if you’re worried about developing diabetes this guide will show you which labs to check to determine if you have insulin resistance, and if you do, how to monitor it.

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A Note from Sam!


"The lab guide is a fantastic resource that helped me request bloodwork from both my PCP and OBGyn with confidence. The guide outlined the ‘why’ behind each test which aided my requests based on my symptoms. Sam made the lab guide approachable for those without a medical background who want to be proactive about their PCOS diagnosis or want an answer for their symptoms. I cannot recommend it enough."

- Ann

Feel Empowered with PCOS

The lack of awareness and education around PCOS in the medical community can feel really frustrating. You deserve to have all of the information about what's going on in your body.

Hopefully the day will come soon where you don't have to advocate for yourself so much at the doctor. But in the meantime, this lab guide will help you feel comfortable and confident in taking charge of your health and hormones.

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"The lab guide is a GAME CHANGER! I had been researching which labs to have my doctor draw at my appointment and could not find any helpful or conclusive suggestions. I was so overwhelmed with the research. Then I found Sam's PCOS Lab Guide and it was so incredibly helpful! It listed every lab I should look at and talk to my doctor about, in addition to WHY and the explanation of the values. It helped me understand what to look for and which labs to advocate for. It even helped my doctor better understand the full picture of what we needed to look at for my health. The Lab Guide also includes a great segment which helps you prepare for doctor's appointments with a step-by-step approach to what symptoms you're experiencing, which test you would like to request, and why; it helped me feel so in control, prepared, and able to advocate for myself at my appointments. I take the Lab Guide with me to ALL of my doctor's appointments. It has been such an incredible resource and lifeline as I've worked through the beginning of my PCOS journey. Cannot recommend it enough!"

- Sammie